Skip to content Skip to footer is a knowledge resource to support Data Management planning at Norwegian research institutions.

What can we help you find?

About data management planning

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Purpose of a Data Management Plan

Why should you write a Data Management Plan (DMP)?

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Guiding questions pre-start/ pre-award

Start here to identify data management needs and challenges in ahead of a project start, particularly benifical when applying for funding.

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Terms used in the context of data management plans and research data management explained.

For researchers writing a DMP

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Find local and discipline-specific experts

Get support from local experts and get inspired by discipline-rooted resources.

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DMP questionnaire

Discipline-agnostic knowledge model in the DMP-tool Data Stewardship Wizard/ FAIR Wizard.

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Accompanying information resources

Information pages for researchers filling out a DMP.

For supporting staff

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DMP Background knowledge

The knowledge base for support personnel includes the annotation of the Science Europe DMP guidance in the Norwegian context.

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Conceptual DMP reflections

The project work involved conceptual reflections on DMPs which we believe can be of value to other national and international DMP projects.

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We welcome your contributions! is an open resource created by the University libraries at UiB, NTNU, UiO, UiT, ELIXIR Norway and PhD-on-Track. Everyone is welcome to contribute to this community project or suggest improvements! To cite, please use the following format: DMP Support Package for Norwegian Higher Education Libraries. URL: