» Short user guidance to DMP questionnaire
» Supporting information for filling out the DMP (by DMP chapter)
Get started with writing your Data Management Plan in Data Stewardship Wizard/ FAIR Wizard
The DMP questionnaire is implemented in the DMP tool Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW)/ FAIR Wizard (DSW as software-as-a-service). It is available on the following instances:
- Researchers at NTNU, UiB, UiO og UiT can use the pilot instance FAIR Wizard Norway. The direct links on this web resource are linking to this instance. For support, contact your local research data support.
- Life Science Researchers at all Norwegian institutions can use the DSW instance provided by ELIXIR Norway. To use the template, follow the advanced setup instructions. For support, contact the ELIXIR Norway helpdesk.
Start with a new DMP
Simply said, the different plans you have worked on for your research projects over time are listed as “projects” in Data Stewardship Wizard/ FAIR Wizard. So, projects are in some sense equivalents to DMPs that you are working on.
After logging in for the first time, you will have to start by creating a project: Use the ‘Start your DMP’ shortcut or start from the Projects menu. It is recommended to choose a descriptive title for the project that makes it easy to identify it for later revisions.

Create a project: Use the ‘Start your DMP’ shortcut or start from the Projects menu.
Projects/ planning drafts are auto-saved, details can be seen under “Projects” – last edited. Management of your plans, editing, revisions, exports – it all starts here.
Choose the right project template
The described setup refers to the pre-defined templates on FAIR Wizard Norway. For the ELIXIR Norway DSW instance, see instructions for advanced questionnaire setup.
To accommodate different project needs, you have by default access to four different project templates, in addition to a pre-project/ pre-award questionnaire. A project template present you with a questionnaire in the project workspace, as well as a set of default values, so you don’t have to start from scratch. Select the questionnaire variant that fits your project best.

Select project template
For externally funded projects:
- Science Europe/RCN and ELSI questionnaire is a comprehensive questionnaire for projects with external funding and/or external partners. Handling of sensitive data or personal data or requiring ethical pre-application can be addressed or marked as not relevant to the project. This questionnaire is in line with the Science Europe DMP guidance and thus meeting the requirements of research funders such as the Research Council of Norway or Horizon Europe.
- Science Europe/RCN and ELSI and HPC is a variant with additional questions for computationally demanding projects.
For less complex projects:
- Minimum questionnaire covers a core set of questions adapted to less complex projects (e.g. student projects). This questionnaire is suited for projects without external funding or external project partners. For less complex projects that are handling sensitive data or personal data or requiring ethical pre-application, see below.
- Minimum and ELSI combines the Minimum questionnaire with questions on handling sensitive data or personal data or requiring ethical pre-application.
Advanced questionnaire setup
Instead of starting with one of the pre-defined project templates, it is also possible to configure them and additional options based on the underlying knowledge model. Follow the instructions below if you are using the ELIXIR Norway DSW instance.
To use one of the above described templates:
- Start with From knowledge model and select Norwegian DSW Knowledge Model
- In the next step, select Filter by question tags and then combine the tags RCN/ Science Europe or minimum with ELSI (Ethical and legal aspects, ELSI = Ethical, Legal and Social Implications”) and/ or HPC (for computationally demanding projects).

View: Advanced setup
Advanced users can customize the questionnaire within the framework of the knowledge model, select questions by tags, and configure the document template and other settings. It is also possible to transfer (“migrate”) answers between the questionnaire variants. Contact support staff at your institution for help.
Other available tags for additional customization or specific needs:
- umbrella DMP: Selection of questions for umbrella DMPs
- for internal use: maDMP, IT security, cross institutional project, Horizon Europe
Fill out the questionnaire
You will find a description of the core steps below. For more detailed descriptions, see the instructional video and the user guidance by DSW.
Answering the questionnaire is done in three steps:
- Choose the project phase (in the drop-down menu on top of the left navigation pane): Initial DMP (the first version), Midway DMP (revising the DMP and adding more information), or Complete DMP (concluding the project and reporting results). NB! There are additional questions added in each phase. To see all questions, check the ‘Non-desirable questions’ under View (see below).
- Select the chapter. There are nine DMP chapters focussing on different aspects. It is recommended to fill in chapters in a chronological order.
- Answer the questions. The navigation bar to the left can be used actively to jump between questions without scrolling. Follow-up questions and item lists can be collapsed/ expanded. For additional information, the links in the questionnaire lead to the question-specific Supporting Information for Users.

- Select project phase: Initial, midway or complete DMP, 2. Select the chapter, 3. Answer questions
There is different types of questions:
- Free-text or values (e.g. numerical, url, date)
- Multi-choice: select one or several choices
- Options: select one option and answer follow-up questions, if they exist. Use “Clear answer” to remove choice. Follow-up questions can be collapsed.
- List of items: click “+Add” for any new item. Items with their follow-up questions can be collapsed by clicking on the v arrow symbol, if several items are present they can be simultaneously collapsed or expanded. Item order can be changed and the bin symbol deletes an item.
- Item-select: refer to an item in another question by selecting it from the drop-down menu. This requires that the original question is filled in.
Controlling what is presented in the questionnaire tab
View – note that you can control what is presented in the user interface. By default, only questions desirable the chosen project phase are visible and question tags are hidden.

View: Change visible features
Other tabs and export options
Use the square button on the right hand side to hide or view the navigation pane.

The navigation pane
Project sharing and commenting
The ‘Share’-button opens a dialogue to share the project (plan) with collaborators by inviting them individually with defined reading and writing rights, or sharing by providing a link. The TODO- and the comment function (to the right of each question) can be used to communicate about the project.
The Metrics tab (disabled in FAIR Wizard Norway)
This tab show your metrics, connected to how much of the plan that is finished.
Other types of FAIR/ openness metrics are not supported in the current knowledge model, yet technically possible.
The Preview tab
Use the preview tab for previewing your finalised plan as you go along.
The Documents tab
Use the Documents tab to export finalised plans in different formats. Currently, html and pdf are supported.
The Settings tab
Here you can change the document template and document format, as well as settings that again defines your preview and function as default values for exporting finalised plans.