This section collects information that is useful when writing a Data Management Plan (DMP).
- Purpose of a DMP explains what a DMP is and why you should write one for your research project. It also gives an overview about DMP requirements from funders and institutions.
- Get local/disciplinary support refers to disciplinary data management experts and data management support staff at your institution.
It is beneficial to take research data management into consideration already ahead of starting a research project, particularly if applying for external funding.
- Considerations pre-start/pre-award provides a set of guiding questions to be considered pre-start/ pre-award.
The core section is structured according to our DMP template. For each chapter in the DMP, it contains general and question-specific guidance:
- Get started with DMP writing
- 1 - About the DMP
- 2 - About the research project
- 3 - Legal and ethical aspects
- 4 - Storing and protecting data during the project
- 5 - Reusing or collecting data
- 6 - Data documentation during the project
- 7 - Processing, analysing and interpreting data
- 8 - Archiving and publishing data
- 9 - Responsibilities and resources
Finally, we explain relevant terminology:
- Research data terms gives definitions of relevant terms used in the context of data management plans.