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Get local/disciplinary support

If you have questions about research data management (RDM) or writing at data management plan (DMP), you can consult the information resources or contact the general RDM support at your institution. In addition, your unit may have research advisors who can direct you to the right resources or even dedicated data stewards who can help you hands-on.

In addition, some Norwegian research infrastructures provide RDM support services or knowledge resources.

Institutional RDM support (alphabetical order)

Currently, we have only included the project partners in the list. For other organisations, find an overview in the RDM resources in Norway (RDMkit): Support services.

NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Research Data @NTNU


UiB - University of Bergen

UiB Support services for research data


UiO - University of Oslo

UiO Research Data Management


UiT - UiT The Arctic University of Norway

UiT Research data portal


Disciplinary support services

Several Norwegian research infrastructures including national nodes of ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) Landmarks and ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) provide domain-specific research data management support.

Biobank Norway - Biobanking

Biobank Norway provides the ELSI Helpdesk for Biobanking and advices on regulations and standards for ethical, legal, and societal issues. Biobank Norway is the Norwgian node of the European Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI ERIC).

Homepage: Biobank Norway

Helpdesk: ELSI Help Desk

CESSDA - Social sciences

The Consortium for European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) has its main office in Norway.

Homepage: CESSDA

Knowledge resource: Data Management Expert Guide

CLARINO - Language sciences

The Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure Norway (CLARINO) maintains research data repositories, tools and services. It is a node in the pan-European Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN ERIC).

Homepage: CLARINO

ELIXIR Norway - Life sciences

ELIXIR Norway provides data management support as well as e-infrastructure, tools and data resources and training for the life sciences. It is the Norwegian node of the pan-European infrastructure for biological information (ELIXIR).

Homepage: ELIXIR Norway


Knowledge resource: Norwegian Life Science RDM LookUp

Knowledge resource: RDMkit

Knowledge resource: FAIR Cookbook

GBIF Norway- Biodiversity research

GBIF Norway supplies IT-services and assistance with deposition of biodiversity data to affiliated organizations. It is the Norwegian node of the international network Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

Homepage: GBIF Norway


NALMIN - Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Imaging Network

Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Imaging Network (NALMIN) principal goal is to establish a network at international competence level for advanced light microscopy. The network consists of 5 national nodes located in Oslo (1 node with two branches(NorMIC IBV and NorMIC Radium)), Bergen, Trondheim (2 nodes) and Tromsø, each with specialized competence. All nodes are members of the national NorBioimaging infrastructure organization, and the NorMIC Oslo node is a member of the EuroBioimaging ECRIN network.

Homepage: NALMIN

NAPI - National network of Advanced Proteomics Infrastructure

NAPI partners include proteomics core facilities in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø and Ås, as well as research groups with a strong focus on proteomics technology development. NAPI therefore combines the proteomics expertise available across Norway, streamlining collaborations, accelerating the development of new techniques, and providing researchers in Norway access to cutting edge proteomics technology.

Homepage: NAPI

NorCRIN - Clinical research

The national infrastructure NorCRIN provides advice on national procedures, good clinical practice, data management and monitoring. NorCRIN is a partnership between six university hospitals in Norway with the objective to strengthen and simplify collaboration in all categories of clinical research in Norway and member of the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN ERIC).

Homepage: NorCRIN

Knowledge resource: Guidance and support (NorCRIN): Are you planning a clinical study?

NOR-Openscreen - Chemical biology

NOR-Openscreen is the Norwegian node of the EU-Openscreen infrastructure (EU-Openscreen ERIC) supporting the discovery of biologically active substances in all areas of the Life Sciences by providing transnational, open access to the most advanced technologies, chemical and biological resources as well as expertise through Europe. NOR-Openscreen offers guidance about FAIR data management.

Homepage: NOR-Openscreen


Sigma2 - National e-infrastructure for computational Science

Sigma2 provides services in high-performance computing and large-scale data storage.

Homepage: Sigma2


Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Sikt maintains several data collections, including archival of personal data with restricted access and curation services.

Homepage: Sikt Research data


Discipline-rooted approaches to research data managmement

Scientific disciplines have different traditions for recognizing and handling research data. Here, we list some discipline-rooted knowledge resources and publications which may help identifying research data and select approaches to research data management in a given discipline.

Sorted by research discipline (non-exhaustive):


Report: Recognising Digital Scholarly Outputs in the Humanities – ALLEA Report. (2023). doi: 10.26356/OUTPUTS-DH

Report: Sustainable and FAIR Data Sharing in the Humanities: Recommendations of the ALLEA Working Group E-Humanities - Digital Repository of Ireland. (2020). doi: 10.7486/DRI.tq582c863


Article: Nicholson, C., Kansa, S., Gupta, N., & Fernandez, R. (2023). Will It Ever Be FAIR?: Making Archaeological Data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 11(1), 63–75. doi: 10.1017/aap.2022.40

Language Sciences

Book: The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. (2022). doi: 10.7551/mitpress/12200.001.0001

Life Sciences

Knowledge resource: Norwegian Life Science RDM LookUp

Knowledge resource: RDMkit

Knowledge resource: FAIR Cookbook


Article: Conrad, T. O. F., Ferrer, E., Mietchen, D., Pusch, L., Stegmüller, J., & Schubotz, M. (2024). Making Mathematical Research Data FAIR: Pathways to Improved Data Sharing. Scientific Data, 11(1), 676. doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03480-0

Social Sciences

Knowledge resource: CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide

Report: Making Qualitative Data Reusable - A Short Guidebook For Researchers And Data Stewards Working With Qualitative Data - DANS Guidebook. (2023). doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7777519

Further resources
