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Publishing the DMP

Where to publish the DMP?

Science Europe Guidance License: CC BY 4.0 - annotated

not covered

Best practice is to publish the DMP with a PID. This can be referred to (and from) when publishing papers, data sets and other outputs from the research project. Ideally, all versions of the DMP could be published, but at minimum the final version should be made available (i.e. when reporting the project). The research repository Zenodo is often used to publish DMPs, together with other researchs results. In Norway, The National Research Archive (Nasjonalt vitenarkiv, NVA) is under development, and this might also be a possible repository for DMP archiving and/or publication.

Coverage in RDA Common Standard for maDMP License: Unlicense

[Properties in dmp]

[Properties in dmp id]


  • version id (human readable)

Other DMP guidance

Guidance from NFR

[What a data management plan should include]
We also recommend assigning your data management plan a persistent identifier, such as a DOI. Several services for data management plans offer this.

FAIRsFAIR FAIR-Aware Additional Guidance License: CC BY 4.0

  • not covered

Knowledge for support staff

  • How to publish a DMP (with different tools, recommended platforms, versions)

Knowledge for users

  • Why should you publish your DMP
  • How to publish your DMP

Existing sources that can be reused

Open Science Toolbox License: CC0-1.0

Forskningsrådet og andre finansiører oppfordrer til åpen publisering av datahåndteringsplaner. Da planene endres underveis, kan det gjerne publiseres flere versjoner etter hvert som de oppdateres. Mange prosjekt publiserer ulike versjoner av sin datahåndteringsplan i arkiv som Zenodo.
